My school is having this Cartoonathon. I think that’s what it’s called. You get sponsers… and they promise to pay, like $1 a page or something. And then for 24 hours on… um, March 28 I think, everybody gets together and draws a comic. If you finish 10 pages in the 24 hours, your sponser pays $10 to the charity (memphis literacy council. I think.) Or, you know, whatever. If they pledged $10 a page, and you finish 20 pages… $200 for charity!
I thought about doing it, because, holy crap, being trapped in a room for 24 hours with nothing to do but work on my comic… dang I’d get a lot done! On the other hand, being trapped in a room for a FULL 24 hours with a bunch of artists I don’t know has the makings of a super freak out. Plus I doubt I could force myself to work steadily all that time, I’d be up and down all day.
So while I really like the idea, I don’t think I’ll do it.
I WILL be working on SunDowner 7 next week though.